Photography Basics


           Photography is an art of taking awesome photos. But it also includes some science and nowadays it has emerged as a Great Profession. Hence Photography is Art, Science and Profession too. Now I'm going to share some basic Photography concepts and important notes which I've learnt.

             First of all you shouldn't believe that for photography you need costly DSLRs; Photography is also possible through a simple point and shoot camera or even a Mobile camera. Camera is not as much important in Photography as Camera-Man. A DSLR in a dummy's hand worth nothing but a simple Point and Shoot camera in a Pro's hand is worth much.So you can take awesome photographs through your simple camera too.

Basic Concepts of Photography.........

         There three main concepts of Photography:
          1) Shutter Speed
          2) ISO
          3) Lens Aperture 

Shutter Speed:

                        Shutter Speed means for how much time camera shutter should remain open to light. Shutter speed is measured in seconds. In simple Point and shoot cameras shutter speed ranges from 1/1000 seconds to 8 seconds. In some heavy DSLRs there is also a mode in which shutter is closed manually. If you want to take photos of speedy objects like cars or bikes than you should use low shutter speed. But if you want to show speed of object than you should use higher speeds like 0.5s or 1.0s. High shutter speed is also useful for taking photographs at night. Mostly Point and shoot cameras have auto mode of shutter also, which automatically decides the shutter speed. But its a machine and doesn't know what you want to shoot so you should use manual settings of shutter speed more.


        ISO determines the amount of light in Photography. How much intensity of light should be entered into shutter of camera is determined by ISO. Normally ISO ranges from ISO 80 to ISO 1600. ISO 80 allows camera to enter less light whereas ISO 1600 allows to enter more light  in photograph. ISO 80 is used for taking photos in bright light or sunlight while ISO 1600 is mostly used for night mode. But ISO 80 photos are too dark and ISO 1600 are too bright and pixelated so ISO 400 is best for normal photographs. You can see two photos below one with ISO 80 and another ISO 1600. See the Difference:-

ISO 1600
ISO 80

Lens Aperture:

                         Aperture means diameter of Lens. In digital camera aperture is determined by f-stops. It is shown as f/2.9 or f/5.5 or any other. Normally lens aperture is between f/2.8 to f/14. But it can vary from Camera to camera. Smaller aperture means larger lens opening and greater aperture means small opening of lens to scene. Lens aperture also determines the depth of field (DOF). If f/stop is less than it shallow DOF. There is very less depth in picture. And if it more than depth increases in picture. Some point and shoot cameras don't have settings of adjusting lens aperture. So always check settings of camera before buying.

        So now take as many photos as you can with your normal camera of a same object but with different modes. Than put in your PC and see all photos one by one and study them and practice more and more if you want to be a Good Photographer or even a Pro Photographer. As everyone knows "Practice makes the man Perfect."

            If you have any suggestions or comments than please share with me..............


  1. I like it its great .......

  2. Thanks Vishal......Will post more information on photography soooooon...........


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